
Request for support

Target amount

¥100 million per year (or approx. $1 million or €1 million a year)

A total of ¥500 million (approx. $5 million or €5 million) by December 2025

We would like to invite you to support us in developing a therapeutic drug to cure ulcerative colitis with minimal side effects.
We aim to complete the development of a candidate drug by 2025 and to commence clinical trials by 2026. However, meeting this ambitious schedule will require a great deal of labor, time, and money. Your support in helping us develop a drug to cure UC would be greatly appreciated.
All donations will be used for the development of a therapeutic drug (curative drug).


Please enter your address, name, and the amount you would like to donate below.
Then, after the university completes the prescribed procedures, we will send you a “transfer request form.”
Please note that it may take one to two months to complete the donation process.

To donate, please do as follows:
(1) Enter the information below; (2) Payment will be made using the transfer request form. (It may take one or two months for the transfer request form to arrive.)

    Purpose of donation:
    “Ulcerative Colitis Drug Cure Development Project”



    Please write a comment (e.g., your feelings, hopes, offer to make a regular donation)
    * If you express the desire to make a recurring donation, please specify the details, e.g., timing, number of donations, etc.
    Example: “I wish to donate $300 (USD) every October for 5 years.”

    Privacy policy

    The Department of Gastroenterology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (hereinafter “the Department”) recognizes the importance of protecting personal information in our information and communication-intensive society. In handling all the information on the website of the “Ulcerative Colitis Drug Cure Development Project” (http://www.nanbyou97-cure.net/wp), we undertake to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and to strive to protect personal information in accordance with the following policy and all applicable rules regarding the protection of personal information at Kyoto University (hereinafter referred to collectively as “Regulations”).

    1. Acquisition and retention of personal information
    The Department shall collect personal information by legal and fair means. The Department shall not retain personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use. That is, it shall use personal information only as far as necessary for the work of the University within the specified limits. When acquiring personal information, the purpose of use of the acquired information and the administrator of the acquired information shall be clearly disclosed.
    2. Use of personal information
    The Department shall not use personal information for any purpose other than those indicated at the time of acquisition, nor provide it to any third party, except as required by law. The Department shall not provide personal information to any third party without the prior consent of the individual concerned, except as required by law. When providing personal information to any third party or outsourcing any operation related to the handling of personal information to any third party in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, we shall conduct a strict investigation of the third party’s personal information security, management capability, etc., and carry out appropriate supervision in relation to the handling of personal information.
    3. Management of personal information
    The Department shall take appropriate information security measures to prevent and protect against unauthorized access, computer viruses, etc., in order to preserve the integrity of the personal information it possesses and to prevent its loss, destruction, falsification, and leaking.
    4. Disclosure, correction, suspension, deletion of personal information
    The Department acknowledges that individuals have the right to request disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc. of their personal information, We shall respond promptly to such requests in accordance with all applicable regulations. If you have any opinions or questions regarding the handling of personal information by the Department, please contact the Department of Gastroenterology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University at uckifu*kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp (change * to @).

    How to request disclosure of personal information

    5. Formulation, implementation, maintenance and improvement of personal information protection regulations
    In addition to what is stipulated in this policy, the Department shall strive to continue to improve its personal information protection in accordance with all applicable regulations.
    6. About using Google Analytics service
    This website makes use of the Google Analytics service to statistically analyze the browsing of website visitors and it uses the findings as a reference for future organizational management and site improvement. We also use first-party cookies to collect traffic data for this service. For more information on how Google Analytics handles privacy, please refer to Google’s overview of this service.

    Created March 31, 2021
    Department of Gastroenterology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University

    This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

    Please note that you can also hand over your donation application form directly to the contact person below.
    Alternatively, you can pass it directly to Dr. Masahiro Shiokawa or Dr. Takeshi Kuwada.

    Donation application 寄付申し込み書PDF

    Contact person
    Medical / Hospital Campus Common Office / Accounting / Research Cooperation Division Donations / Subsidies
    Email: a40kifu-hojokin@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
    Tel: +81-75-753-4460
    Yoshida Konoe-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501

    * Notes

    Please note that we do not accept donations that violate 'the Kyoto University Donation Handling Regulations' or 'the Kyoto University Funding Regulations', or any of the following kinds of donations.

    1. 1. Donations conditioned by the expectation of some benefit or convenience
    2. 2. Donations that might hinder the performance of our work
    3. 3. Donations that could be deemed inappropriate according to prevailing social standards
    4. 4. Donations from individuals, corporations, or organizations linked with organized crime
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